Own struggle with ourselves …the only journey is the one within

There are very few lucky souls in the entire world who get what they want from life without any pain. For the rest it is matter of struggle, sometimes even with themselves. The struggle with the outside world is much simpler than with one’s self.

A nice example from Greek mythology is the about “phoenix”, a long lived bird which obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.

And so are the examples from real life.  The birth process is painful for both the mother and the baby. But at the same time the pains are totally different. Mother Nature equips both the mother and the baby to bear the pain.

Another example is the transformation of caterpillar to butterfly. The process  fascinates mankind but at the same time is an extremely difficult task for the caterpillar.  The metamorphosis is fairly  astonishing. In the evaluation process, the caterpillar digest itself. The caterpillar learns from every stage of its struggle to become a butterfly. No help from outside is helpful, help might risks botching the transformation. It is struggle for life.

Struggle is an integral part of our journey, sometimes even to be happy or sometimes to achieve a goal. Being positive ease the process and save some good moments for us to relish. It is in our own sake to study our current position in a proper manner.

The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self realization demands very great struggle – Swami Sivananda


Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable.

– Martin Luther King, Jr.


Life is controlled by many issues, as shown in the diagram. These issues are  related to each other. But it is quite impossible to define life as a simple universal equation.

 Life is result of combination of these issues with different weightage accordingly.  No two persons are alike and thus the equation of life also differes from person to person.

From now on, I will try to express my thoughts about each of them.